Discover Your Career at Granville Health
Careers that Inspire Hope
Our communities need us, and we need you. With a career at Granville Health System, you will contribute to our mission to promote well-being; accelerate healing; and inspire hope.
Browse our open positions, explore our employee benefits, and learn how you can make a true difference in delivering exceptional care to our community.
Career Opportunities
For more than a century, Granville Health System has been providing quality healthcare and convenient access to residents of Granville County and North Central, North Carolina. Whether you’re in the medical field, administrative work, or customer service, you can find a future with us.
No matter which focus area you choose to pursue, you can expect a competitive salary and benefits. To browse our open positions, search for a specific job, or submit an application or resume, visit our job search page.
While available careers are based on availability, examples of positions at GHS include: