Some important things to remember concerning:
Personal Belongings
Collect all of your belongings and double-check closets and drawers. If you have anything stored with the hospital in the secured location, please tell your nurse, who will make arrangements for your belongings to be brought to your room.
Discharge Instructions
Your doctor and your nurse will give you instructions about your care after you leave the hospital. If your doctor prescribes any new medications, you will receive the script before you are discharged. If you have questions about your diet, activities, or other matters, please be sure to ask. There are occasions when patients need additional treatment or care after they are discharged from the hospital (i.e. nursing home placement, home health care, durable medical equipment). Your provider and your nurse will give you instructions about your care after you leave the hospital. Your Transitional Care Case Manager will visit with you to discuss an appropriate discharge plan. Please feel free to always ask any questions regarding after care or medications.
Transportation Service
When you are ready to leave, a member of the hospital staff will escort you to the front entrance and help you into the car.